Brand Analysis - Amul tru

Amul tru marks the entry of Amul into the Rs 2500 crore worth packaged juice segment in India. Amul, with the tagline The Taste of India is one of the most reputed diary brands in India. Amul is coming up with brand extensions these days, a few instances of which are Amul tru fruit drink and also Amul Happy Treats (frozen Ready To Fry products).

Amul tru is available in 4 flavours namely Apple, Litchi, Mango and Orange. It is priced at Rs 10 for a 180 ml tetra pack. Seems the company has gone for a market penetration strategy concerning the product pricing as the competing products in this segment are priced much higher. The brand personality element associated with Amul is Sincerity and hence let us hope that price quality perception will not take the upper hand and backfire.

Amul brings in product differentiation with regard to the ingredients used i.e. milk whey is used in addition to fruit extracts and claims that the drink is a protein source. This shows that the brand is giving priority to aspects like health, affordability and quality. Amul is a pioneer in diary products and by emphasizing on the usage of the ingredient milk whey, the company hints to consumers that they are not distancing themselves from what they are experts in and that they can be trusted in this packaged juice segment, just as they are in the diary product segment.

The brand name tru is fully consistent with the brand personality concerning Amul, its catchy and easy to recall. Even the product packaging design is visually appealing and quite attractive. Amul now moves with a caution as its former attempt to diversify by launching Amul Pizza turned out to be disastrous. 

Amul tru is on the shelves in all major organized retail outlet chains and even unorganized retail outlets in India and these are signs of Amul leveraging the strong distribution channel which they have in place. The success of this brand will be largely determined by the extent to which Amul makes optimum use of its existing brand image and brand awareness. 

Whether Amul will succeed in taking away the market share of its mighty rivals in this new segment or will it get crumpled is something which we have to wait, watch and infer


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Nishan Ilahi
BTech in Electronics & Communication Engineering. MBA in Marketing and International Business from Rajagiri College of Social Sciences